Some insight! The How-To's of Approaching Global Healing
Me: After having lived for 95 years, and my childhood under a totalitarian government/Hitler, I have finally arrived at what I consider my global responsibility. Yes, technology, fast-moving medical infusions, and the global pandemic have shifted my orientation toward the need for Global Healing! Whether friends, family members, teachers, or therapists, ask, “What is this? Please explain what you have in mind.” So here it goes! My beliefs: I am reviewing my own life cycle and examining my own healing process. I have been “classified” with the name “a Holocaust victim.” Naming things suddenly become a short cut to classification. i.e., “Oh, you are a Jew” or “Yes, you are a teacher, a baker, a father…” These classifications give the other person access to what they have learned about my roles. When I think of Global Healing, it brings memories from all my senses, acquired beliefs, and the location of when and where I first encountered the expression of Global Healing. ...