1,734 days until a hundred

With every problem come many challenges.  Reaching one’s hundredth birthday is not an everyday event.  As a former professor of child and family policy I know there are many life gaps.  As a holocaust victim I see Global Healing as one form of responding to the many global dilemmas we face.  Like a magnet I am drawn to the arts, in this instance music composition.  I’m seeking an individual or group who would create the first Global Healing Symphony.  I thought of your work and your institution as a model based on what you have done in the past and the present.  I knock on your door and wonder whether you or a group could be persuaded to embrace the first Global Healing Symphony to be played on my birthday in 1,734           days.  The symphony would demonstrate the healing nature that it transmits and and allow it to grow.  Parenthetically each time the symphony is performed it also accrues income, thereby leaving a legacy. 

Thank you in advance for reading this and perhaps consider ways that my birthday wish can be fulfilled. 

In gratitude, good health, peace, love, play and personal satisfaction





Robin Stein said…
I agree--music is healing and music is universal!!
Edgar Klugman said…
Thank you for your comment Robin!
Edgar Klugman said…
We shall look for song, dance and compositions to tide us through. All are more than welcome! Did you know that children sing, dance and could contribute their inventions? Maybe your grandchildren would like to do this?

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