Healing and its Many Tentacles

 I would like to share several healing circumstances which developed during a family trip to Germany.  On this trip my two daughters and granddaughter became acquainted with places I and members of my family lived and most of us were born.  The trip included getting to know these members and in several instances we lived with them in their communities while visiting.  

My father's mother and father lived in the grape rich winery of Kitzingen am Main.  In Kitzingen we got to know Mr. Schneeberger who volunteered his services to the once active Synagogue and still existing Jewish community.  He arranged for us not only to live with some members of the Jewish community there but also to assist in the upkeep of the Jewish cemetery.  Rake and shovels in hand we engaged in clearing grave sites including the memorial of my grandfather, Ignatz Klugman.  

All this took place six years ago.  Yesterday I received a note that this weekend they would appreciate our help.  How would you feel being invited for this task so many years later and being so many hours afar from Roedelsee?  What a thoughtful way of inclusiveness and caring in reminding us and others to the importance of reconciliation as part of the global healing process.


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