
Empower Playgrounds

Empower Playgrounds Inc., enhances educational opportunities for children in deprived villages by provided renewable energy through electricity generating playground equipment, LED lanterns, hands-on science kits, and feminine hygiene kits.  


 Below are 6 heart-warming stories from the Kindertransport   (German for "children's transport") , which   was a British rescue operation that saved 10,000 Jewish children from Nazi- controlled territory. This train took me from Nuremburg to England, where I stayed in a group home with other children escaping the Holocaust.

Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama


"A King Dressed as a Servant" - a poem by Rumi

 A sweet voice calls out The caravan from Egypt is here A hundred camels with amazing treasure. Midnight, a candle and someone quietly waking me, Your friend has come. I spring out of my body, put a ladder to the roof, and climb up to see if it is true. Suddenly there is a world within this world, ocean inside the water jar. A king sitting with me dressed as a servant. A garden in the chest of the gardener. I see how love has thoughts , and that these thoughts are circling in conversation with majesty. Let me keep opening this moment Like a dead body reviving. Shams Tabriz saw the placeless one and from that he made a place.                              ~Rumi Rumi's poetry is known in history as a bridge between faiths. Image by: Faik Sarıkaya /

Some pictures from our co-leader Jennifer's trip to Greece.....


"The Path of Blessing" by, Rabbi Marsha Prager

  It's possible to feel wonderful, and energized  by giving and receiving blessings. 1. A blessing is a focusing and a statement of intention and good will. It is a wonderful gift to give to a child, a friend or an enemy. There is no right or wrong way to do this other than asking permission from the person and asking what they would like or need. For example: What do you really need?                        (something big or small)                         (A family need, a personal need) The one who gives the blessing gives their full attention, entire focus on the person and repeats their request. Sharing the Blessing: A blessing is a focusing and a statement of intention and goodwill. The most important gift the blessing holds         is being seen, being heard and tenderly affirmed by the person giving the blessing. A blessing can be gi...

"CAN WE RISE" - a wonderful book of spiritual exercises by Ruth K. Henry
